
In addition to custom software development for clients, we also provide consulting services to our clients


TMT Software Company. Variant Systems has been providing ongoing software consulting services to this client for the past six years. Development is done in Delphi for a client server system connecting to a SQL Server back-end. Client's fleet management products are aimed towards the transportation industry.

Confidential Client. Client is a member based research organization. Developed Crystal Reports for in house and member reporting needs.

Sunforest Systems. Developed numerous reports using Crystal Reports for a vertical market application geared towards the needs of the home building industry.

Confidential Client. Using Visual Basic and SQL Server developed a legal caseload and scheduling application. Used by the clients legal department, this application allowed the legal team to track their caseload and schedule the cases.

Insurance. Developed a insurance quote program for agents. This system allowed a manager to enter in rate tables which were then used in generating a price quote by the agents for their potential clients. Written in Microsoft Visual Basic.

Confidential Client. Developed an aircraft charter quote application. This application allows a dispatcher to generate a price quote for a client by simply inputting the three letter airport identification codes for the departure, destination and intermediate stops.
System developed in Visual Basic.

















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"Variant Systems mission is to solve challenging technical problems in partnership with its clients. We understand the business needs of our clients, and how technology can be a tool to make modern businesses more profitable."

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